Spiritual Baths



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The idea of bathing for spiritual purposes is centuries old. Christian, Hindu, Judaic, Muslim, Egyptian, Pagan, Indigenous peoples all have a long history of spiritual bathing.  Many ancient cultures believe rivers and waterfalls to be sacred and bathe in them to rid themselves of unseen influences, unwanted energy or negative vibrations and to clean, refresh and rejuvenate their spirit.

Spiritual bathing cannot heal any physical ailment and should NOT be done if you have any open wounds.  If you have recently had surgery, please follow your doctor’s orders regarding full immersion baths.

Water, the Symbol of Life

Our bodies are mostly water, the earth is mostly water and without it we cannot survive.  Adding minerals, crystals, herbs and oils to water creates a potent healing source that refreshes, renews, protects and empowers one to achieve their desires.

What Can a Spiritual Bath Do for Me?

A spiritual bath refreshes the spirit, nurtures the soul, removes negativity, psychic “sludge” and brings in good energy, blessings, love and success. Everyone comes into contact with negative people, negative attitudes and just general negative minutiae that flow thru the Universe.  A series of spiritual baths will remove that and depending on your goals, protect you, enrich your life with love, and personal empowerment or career success.

As directed by spirit, I will custom blends herbs and minerals for your bath tailored to meet your individual situation to assist you in making a positive impact in your life.  As no two people are alike, no two situations are completely alike; therefore your custom bath is individually prepared with you and your unique situation in mind. Therefore, prices will vary according to ingredients used and the amount of baths to be taken.

Please make an appointment for a spiritual consultation if you feel you are blocked, suffering from crossed conditions, unable to let go of negative relationships, wish to empower yourself, draw in love, prosperity or are otherwise wanting to make a positive difference in your life.

Please note:  In addition to Consultation a Blessed Candle is always included. Candle(s) works in conjunction with the bath.